In this section, you'll find all the latest (and the oldest) news relating to our books and authors, and to our Melbourne and London offices.
Awards, acquisitions, author tours, reprints, a bit of gossip, and the occasional job listing — it's all here.
So if it's your secret dream to work at Scribe, or you just like knowing what's happening in the world of publishing, then read on.
And then get back to reading a good book.
Scribble has been awarded the Bologna Prize
ReadTorill Kornfeldt's book garnered praise from Rachel Riederer.
ReadThe author of Your Brain Knows More Than You Think talks to 40+ fitness.
ReadHeidi Sopinka will also tour the country this fall.
ReadSimon Callow's review of Jeff Sparrow's book leads the current issue.
ReadNo Way But This makes nonfiction shortlist.
ReadTom Cutler's Keep Clear will publish in 2019
ReadLong Litt Woon's The Path Back to Life
ReadThe Love of a Bad Man shortlisted for Best First Fiction
ReadThis month sees the publication of Miracles Do Happen by Fela and Felix…
ReadThe first book-length work from the acclaimed artist and comics writer.
ReadCongratulations to Kim Mahood, whose masterful book, Position Doubtful,…
ReadScribe acquires Blue Lake, the nonfiction debut of David Sornig.
ReadThe Road to Ruin General Non-fiction Book of the Year